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The Mind, Body & Workload

Dominic Mitchell once said to me whilst drinking at BAFTA (Before I got twatted and smashed a light and was banned from BAFTA by the barman and never saw Dominic Mitchell again) that the mind can do one thing at a time - you have to finish your English Homework before you start your maths. Do the two at once and your brain will crank literally like putting a spanner in the works. I think this is the way we have to approach a heavy workload. Do it. One thing. At. A. Time. Focus. Allow the mind to drift. Let the subconcious work. Day dream. Then once you've got something you like - start the next.

It's also a lot of looking after yourself and staying inspried when avoiding burn out. If you sit at your laptop for 22 hours a day. Sleep 2 hours. Repeat you'll eventually stop seeing anything on the screen. Just words. The motions of reading. You need to sleep, forget about it, and read a fresh. You need to live and be inspiried. The questions that other artists ask are always going to help yours. Not to mention the stuff we can steal in this time/

Look after your body. No drink or drugs. You need to let the mind wonder - soberly. You need to be clear headed.

Excercise - if you don't you'll get fat. Then you'll be another fat writer with a shit draft. There's enough of them.

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